Why does Google index blocked websites and how does it impact SEO?

Why does Google index blocked websites and how does it impact SEO?

Overview of Google`s indexing process

Google’s web crawlers constantly explore the Internet and index pages so that they can be ranked and displayed in search results. But what happens if a page is intentionally excluded from indexing? Surprisingly, Google can still index such pages, causing confusion for webmasters and potential SEO performance issues.

What is a blocked site?

Pages blocked by Robots.txt

One of the most common ways to block a page from being indexed is by using a “robots.txt” file. This file tells search engine crawlers which pages or sections of your website are off limits.

Noindex meta tag

Another way to prevent indexing is to use the ” noindex” meta tag in your webpage’s HTML. This tag tells search engines not to include the page in their search results.

Why might Google index a blocked page?

Cached or linked content Even if a page is blocked by robots.txt or a noindex tag,

Google can still index it if other websites link to it or if Google has previously cached the content.

Misconfigured Robots.txt file If your robots.txt file is misconfigured,

Google may ignore your instructions and index your pages against the user’s intention.

How blocked pages impact SEO

Diluted SEO authority

If blocked pages are indexed, they may weaken your websites SEO authority. Google may waste time indexing irrelevant or outdated pages instead of focusing on high-priority pages.

Poor user experience Indexed

blocked pages may create a poor user experience when the page was not intended to be visited, leading to broken links and outdated content appearing in search results.

How to stop Google from indexing blocked pages

Proper use of noindex tag and Robots.txt

Make sure that both the robots.txt tag and the noindex tag are set correctly and consistently. Regularly check your website to make sure that pages you don’t intend to index aren’t being indexed.

Use Google Search Console

Google Search Console allows you to monitor how your website is indexed. If you notice that a blocked page has been indexed, you can request that it be removed.


It can be frustrating when Google indexes pages that should remain blocked, but understanding why and taking proactive steps can help protect your SEO efforts. Regularly checking your website configuration and using Google’s tools can help ensure that pages on your website are indexed.


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